Acupuncture is the insertion of tiny, sterile, filiform needles into specific sites on the body in order to elicit a healing response. This healing response may come in the form of pain management, reducing inflammation, repairing soft tissue damage, neuromodulating chemistry, and so much more.
Neuropuncturists aim to neuro-modulate, neuro-rehabilitate, or neuro-regulate our patient’s nervous system back into health. Every illness, symptom, or disease has specific underlying neuropathology. A Neuropuncturist will determine your underlying neuropathology, using 21st-century medical sciences, and focus on healing and repairing the root cause of your condition.
By blending traditional medicine with modern sciences, we can assist the body in having a greater affinity to do what it is brilliantly designed to do; heal itself.
Neuropuncture™ is the only complete neuroscience acupuncture system that provides consistent, clinically reproducible neuroscience electrical acupuncture treatments. Neuropuncturists aim to neuro-modulate, neuro-rehabilitate, or neuro-regulate their patient’s nervous system back into health. Every illness, symptom, or disease has a specific underlying neuropathology. Neuropuncturists will determine your underlying neuropathology, using 21st-century medical sciences, and focus on healing and repairing the root cause of your condition.
Cupping is the application of tiny jars upon the surface of the skin and creating a vacuum of suction which brings increased blood flow and healing agents to the area. Cupping is a great therapy for injuries in parts of the body with low vascular capacity, such as the ankles. Cupping is also a good treatment for sore, achy and tight muscles due to its ability to create more supple muscles, relieve hypertonicity, and increases the pliability of the muscular tissue.
Herbs have been used for thousands of years as healing agents for disease and the maintenance of a balanced, healthy body and mind. We can help you by formulating herbal remedies that complement your therapies, tailored specifically for your condition or health goals.
Our 28-Day Metabolic Detox programs target and cleanse the entire gastrointestinal tract through the intestines and urinary tract, including the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and gallbladder. Great for weight loss, metabolic syndrome, such as type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, mental health, gut health, chronic inflammation, addiction recovery, seasonal preventions and disease prevention.
Do you suffer from back pain, neck pain, knee pain, arthritis or joint pain? Whether your condition is acute or chronic, we can help by neuromodulating the pain signals, reducing excess inflammation, and strengthening weaknesses within the affected structures to bring you relief.
Lack of sleep can have severe negative effects on our health and well-being. This may include mental health issues, lack of energy, weight gain, or problems with memory and retaining information. Whether you're not getting enough sleep, or just aren't feeling refreshed upon wakening, our treatment plans are designed to increase your overall quality and quantity of necessary deep sleep. We can even help with obstructive sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome.
Anxiety, depression, stress, cognitive function, and even insomnia are all common aspects of mental health that occur in our lives. We can assist by neuromodulating specific regions of the brain back into health, target specific receptors for neuropeptide release, and neuroregulate hormones throughout the autonomic nervous system.
Migraines can be extremely debilitating, causing performance issues at work and in your home life. We can help by reducing neural inflammation along pathological nerves and also focus on neuromodulating specific regions of the brain and neuro-rehabilitate them back to health, while neuro-regulating the neuroendocrine system for hormone homeostasis.
I grew up right here in beautiful Bradenton, Florida.
I love spending time with my amazing family and learning about the significant impact that natural healing can have in all aspects of our lives.
Recently I've been involved with the neuroscience of acupuncture and how to effectively rehabilitate the nervous system back into health via electro-acupuncture.